Armadillo Art & Craft is a wholesale importer and distributor of premium artists' materials.

Our Customer Service team is at your disposal
to answer product related questions and questions regarding any aspect of doing
business with us.
Here at Armadillo Art & Craft we have over 160 years of combined experience in the art materials industry and pride ourselves on our ability to answer most product related questions immediately. However, we do have an extensive product range and sometimes we need to
contact the manufacturer to resolve more technical issues. In such cases we will do our
best to provide you with an answer in one to
two working days.
Frequently Asked Questions
Each question below, in dark grey, has the answer directly underneath it, in light grey.
Q: Do the products you supply all comply with
applicable U.S. and Canadian regulations?
A: We take this very seriously and work hard with
our vendors to ensure that they do.
Q: Why do some of your products have English
as a “second language” on the label?
A: Certain of our vendors use their native language as the first language on the label
but English translations are always listed too.
Q: I read somewhere that Old Holland is packed
in lead tubes. Is this correct?
A: No, originally paints were packed in lead tubes
as lead was the material the first collapsible tubes were made from. Due to toxicological concerns, most if not all manufacturers
including Old Holland changed to aluminum
tubes many years ago.
Q: What is the shelf-life of the paints you supply?
A: Unopened acrylics, oils and watercolours have
an almost indefinite shelf life if stored in
normal conditions. Once opened the shelf-life
will depend on the conditions of storage and
will be shorter for water-based products.
Q: I have seen oil staining on some boxes of oil
paint. Does this mean the product is defective?
A: No, many paints (particularly those with high
pigmentation) will “relax” after milling and
release a little oil. Although this may detract
from the appearance of the box the paint
itself is unaffected.
Q: Are all the colour products you sell lightfast?
A: As a general statement, yes, they are but not
all to the same degree. Please consult the
information on our website and/or in product
literature specific to each brand to get
detailed information.
Q: Will you replace defective products?
A: We stand 100% behind every product we sell
and in the unlikely event you receive a product
which is proven defective we will replace it
without question or hesitation.
Q: Do you stock spare parts for airbrushes
and compressors?
A: Yes, we stock the most commonly called-for
parts. Please contact us as the need arises.
Q: If an airbrush, compressor or air filtration unit fails during the warranty period will you
replace it?
A: If the failure is due to a manufacturing defect
we will repair or replace the unit at our option.
Q: My customer complained that the unprinted
border around ColourFix paper had “splashes”
of colour on it. Is this a defect?
A: No, the manufacturing process is such that this
may happen. The border is almost always cut
off or covered by the matting process so this is
not considered a defect.
Q: What is the latest time I can send you an order
if I want it shipped “same day”?
A: If we receive an order by 2 pm Eastern with a
request for “same day” shipping we will do our
best to accommodate the request however,
depending on workload and the size of the
order this cannot be guaranteed. This
accommodation is provided as a courtesy
service in specific cases so to be fair to other
customers who’s orders may be delayed please
do not abuse it.
Q: Do you have a newsletter?
A: Yes, you may sign up to receive it here on
our website.
Q: If I sign up for your newsletter will you
bombard me with “junk” emails?
A: No, we will only email you with information
and news that we believe pertinent and only
at reasonable intervals. You can be removed
from our email list at any time by selecting the
“unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email.
Q: Do you sell products direct to the public?
A: No, we only sell through bona-fide wholesale
and retail resellers.
Q: What are your terms and conditions of trade?
A: Please contact us for this confidential
Q: How can I get a copy of your price list?
A: Please contact us and we will be happy to
provide you with our full recommended retail
price list.
Q: Do you have any kind of sampling program?
A: Yes, samples of certain products can be
provided in appropriate quantities against
a specific request. Please contact us for
further information.
Q: Can you provide in-store demonstrations of
your products?
A: We do not offer a corporate program at
this time but will be happy to discuss
sponsoring programs that our customers
may develop locally.
Q: Can I order through your website?
A: Not at this time although that facility may be
made available in the future.
Q: What would my trade discount from your
retail prices be?
A: It will vary by product line and we do not make
that confidential information available on our
website. Please contact us for further
Q: Do you keep information regarding our
business together confidential?
A: Yes, completely.
Q: If I want you to use my UPS/FedEx etc. account
for any shipping charges can you do that?
A: Yes, we can process “collect” or “third party
billing” as required.
Q: Do you add a “premium” to freight charges?
A: No, we charge you what the carrier charges us
so you benefit from any special discounts we
may have in place.
Q: It’s only 4 o’clock and nobody is answering
your phones. Why is that?
A: Probably because you are not located in our
time zone. Our office is open from 9 am to
5 pm, Monday through Friday, Eastern time
excluding most U.S. public holidays.